11 DE MARZO DE 2014

Programme for Government, 2014-2018

“This programme includes the wishes of millions of Chilean men and women. There were conversations that allowed confirming that Chile has grown enough as to carry out its own dreams, hopes and intentions. I have witnessed that people desire a country that includes everybody.”

The 2014 Programme for Government represents a fact: Chile is ready to enter a new economic, political and social stage. A stage that appears thanks to the strength of citizens that have decided to participate as to be the protagonists of the changes this country needs and demands.

The main goal of this action plan is to leave behind inequality through three main reforms: an Educational Reform that finishes with profiting and segregation, to finally grant free and equal access to quality education for every boy and girl; a Tax Reform that emphasises in taxation fairness, thus allowing the financing of the New Chilean Education with permanent income that will allow fiscal sustainability; and a New Constitution, that acknowledges and protects the guarantees and duties of the citizens, the Human Rights and cares for native peoples, thus including the national demand for a legitimate new constitution, created through an institutional, democratic and participative process.

With this document we aim to show the foundations for this new stage, hence placing people in the centre of the proposed measures and reforms in order to build a country including everybody.

Check the Programme for Government here.