APRIL 27, 2018

Tactical Police Operations System (Sistema Táctico de Operación Policial, STOP) will help the police anticipate and prevent crimes

The program utilizes reports from citizens to identify the places and times of heightened criminal activity, leading to a more focused, effective, and efficient police response.

The Tactical Police Operations System, STOP, which was launched this Monday by President Sebastián Piñera, is a tool for preventing crimes by enabling the police to take action more efficiently. This is thanks to the analysis of information on crimes, fueled mainly by reports from citizens.

Each time a person files a report, that information is added into STOP. The data is used to identify the places and times where crimes are occurring so that police resources can be used efficiently.

This system also makes it easier for citizens to contact the uniformed police (Carabineros) officers in their neighborhood precinct and find information online about crimes committed anywhere in the country.

Finally, STOP improves coordination between the institutions responsible for security and crime prevention, creating shared goals and objectives that favor the people.

The Tactical Police Operations System will be the backbone of the effort to modernize and restore Carabineros’ focus on prevention. President Sebastián Piñera has decided to make it a law, so that it becomes part of their institutional culture.


How will STOP be implemented?:

The police will hold monthly meetings with entities related to security, such as the regional governor, local public prosecutor, mayor, and governor, among others, where they’ll analyze information about crimes committed in the area.

All members of the group will work together on the principal security needs for each area.  Specific goals and objectives will be set so that in the following session a progress report can be made. STOP is a powerful tool for preventing and fighting crime.