JUNE 28, 2022

President Boric begins tour of the Arica and Parinacota Region with a focus on security, migration and economic reactivation

On his first day in the area, the President led a regional cabinet meeting, participated in a citizen assembly and visited the Chacalluta border control point.


This Tuesday, President Boric began a new tour of Chile in the Arica and Parinacota Region, which is part of his commitment to a government in the field. The agenda will focus on security, migration and economic reactivation.

The President landed at Chacalluta International Airport and immediately led a regional cabinet session, alongside local authorities.

During the afternoon, the President visited the Chacalluta border control point, where he announced measures regarding the Nuestro Norte (Our North) Plan. The plan aims to provide more security, promote safer migration and promote tourism and trade. He was accompanied by Director General of the Policía de Investigaciones (Investigative Police Service, PDI), Sergio Muñoz, and Director General of the Carabineros de Chile (Uniformed Police Service), Ricardo Yáñez.

“We want migration to happen in a safe and orderly way, so that we know who is coming into the country and we regain control over the borders, which has unfortunately been lost in recent years,” President Boric stated.

He added that “these processes (border control) are not achieved overnight. We have to carry them out with a human rights perspective. They often involve families in desperate situations, but we are not going to allow crime to sneak in through the cracks.”

The President emphasized, “We know that migration is part of our history and that, as a society, we are always going to defend inclusion, human rights, and cultural and labor exchange, which we know have given significant returns.”

He also announced that a Biometric Registration Plan will be developed at the border through an investment of 2.3 billion Chilean pesos (US$2.5 million). Chile’s borders will also be strengthened with greater investment for regional migration services.

“We cannot solve the situation that is taking place in northern Chile alone. We need regional cooperation, and I think that the opening of this border crossing is a great example of this, as it was achieved in constant cooperation with Peru,” he stated.

Lastly, the President emphasized the reopening of the Chacalluta border control point, explaining that “it was very important in promoting the economic reactivation of Arica and Tacna (…) Arica and Parinacota have tremendous tourist attractions that are perhaps not so well known; but we want to turn up the volume, so that people know about the cultural heritage that exists in the region, (like) the Chinchorro mummies, which have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.”