MAY 8, 2024

Public Works Ministry 2024-2028 concessions provide for 48,000 new jobs

The projects in the Public Works Ministry 2024 Concessions Program will include solutions for sustainable transport, land and air connectivity, public buildings, disaster safety and water security. 

A total of 43 concession projects will be tendered for an investment of US$17.6 billion in the 2024-2028 period. 

This was the news announced by the Public Works Ministry (MOP) this morning during the presentation of the 2024 Concessions Program, which includes a wide variety of projects to be developed in 11 of Chile’s regions. 

The projects in the MOP 2024 Concessions Program will include solutions for sustainable transport, land and air connectivity, public buildings, disaster safety and water security. 

Prioritized projects for MOP 2024 Concessions Program

The following projects are part of the MOP 2024 Concessions Program for this year: 

Talca Prison Operation 

This was the first tender process of the year. It includes the habilitation, maintenance and operation of a new prison facility of 63,570 square meters, with a capacity for 2,320 inmates. 

Partial opening is programed for 2024, with an estimated number of 400 inmates. Full opening is scheduled for 2025. 

Ruta 5 Caldera – Antofagasta Section

This project consists of a dual carriageway expansion of approximately 460 kilometers. A single carriageway urban solution is being proposed for the stretch passing through Chañaral. It also includes the improvement, construction, maintenance and operation of pre-existing works on Ruta 5. 

The above will improve the technical standard and service levels of the route. 

Ruta 5 Antofagasta – Iquique Section

The project consists of a dual carriageway expansion of Ruta 5, as well as the improvement, construction, maintenance and operation of pre-existing works. This will improve the technical standard and service levels of the route and, consequently, guarantee safety and comfort for users. 

Second Concession Ruta 5 Río Bueno - Puerto Montt Section 

This project consists of the improvement, construction, maintenance and operation of both pre-existing and new works on the Ruta 5 section included in the concession. 

Second Concession Ruta 57 Santiago - Colina - Los Andes

The project includes the expansion, improvement, construction, maintenance and operation of both pre-existing and new works on Ruta 57, connecting Santiago, in the Metropolitan Region, and Ruta 60 CH to the east of Los Andes, in the Valparaíso Region. 

Desalination plant for the Coquimbo Region 

The project involves obtaining seawater through deep ocean catchment and sending it to the plant for desalination. Water suitable for human consumption is then produced in the desalination plant, stored in a tank and distributed by means of a drive and lifting station to another water tank with a volume of 8,000 m3. 

It also includes the works for seawater catchment; discharging brine into the sea; lifting, storing and conveying the water produced; as well as those corresponding to the electricity supply at different points of consumption. 

Copiapó Penitentiary Facility 

The new penitentiary facility will be located on publicly owned land adjacent to the Ruta 5 North, approximately 40 kilometers northwest of the city of Copiapó, in the Atacama Region. 

The project includes construction of the new penitentiary facility, with an approximate total area of 76,600 m2 and an estimated capacity of 2,160 inmates, in 15 confinement modules. 

Ruta 150 Concepción Electro-corridors 

The project covers the municipalities of Penco, Talcahuano, Hualpén and Concepción. It includes the habilitation of approximately 11.1 kilometers of bidirectional public transport corridor, located between Ruta 150 and the Concepción – Talcahuano Highway, Section II. Stops will be placed on the shoulder that separates the corridor from private vehicle lanes, which are also part of the works. 

The project also includes bidirectional cycle paths on the sides of the roads and pedestrian paths on both verges. 

Southern Airport Network 

The project includes the expansion, repair, conservation and replacement of the existing infrastructure, equipment and facilities of the El Tepual (Puerto Montt), Mocopulli (Chiloé), Cañal Bajo (Osorno) and Pichoy (Valdivia) airports. It includes all the civil works and facilities necessary to provide the airlines, passengers and other airport users with better services, comfort and safety.  

Alto Hospicio Iquique Cable Car 

The cable car consists of three passenger stations and a technical station (systems). It will begin its route in the Los Cóndores sector of Alto Hospicio, and end in the Rotonda El Pampino sector, in the municipality of Iquique. 

The cabins will have a capacity of 10 seated passengers, with an average circulation speed of 6 meters a second (app. 22 km/h). They will travel the entire route in an estimated time of 16 minutes. 

Valdivia access routes 

The project consists of the two-lane expansion of the southern access, Ruta 206, and the northern access, Ruta 202, to the city of Valdivia, improving road safety conditions, and level of service and comfort for users on both routes.