OCT. 5, 2015

President Bachelet at the launch of Foods From Chile: “Our country can be a role model for the world’s food industry”

During the event, the President highlighted the conditions in Chile for producing fruit and vegetable and welcomed the public public-private effort to address the challenges presented by global markets.

The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, along with the Agriculture Minister, Carlos Furche and Chile’s Vice Trade Minister, Andrés Rebolledo, took part in the launch of Foods From Chile in the Plaza de la Constitución in downtown Santiago. Foods From Chile is the brand which has been created to promote Chilean food products around the world. The campaign highlights the geographical, climatic and human characteristics that have made Chile into a producer and exporter meeting the high standards of demanding international markets.

This brand was born late last year after the Agriculture Ministry set up the Public-Private Food Exporter Council to address the challenges faced by the industry. The President said “it is through examples of joint working, such as this council, that we will build the strength we need. In fact, we can already see the results of this partnership. Because global markets present challenges and demand efforts that can only be addressed through strategic cooperation between the public and private sectors.”

The President referred to other initiatives, such as Walnuts From Chile and Wines From Chile, which successfully brought together under one concept Chile’s tremendous advantages and potential, so “our country could most certainly be a role model for quality for the world’s food industry and we are making progress with this. Of course we have our natural and human heritage, which we must take care of, because it is of ever greater value both for our society and for humanity in general,” she emphasized.

At the end of her speech, the President spoke about environmental care and the challenges that Chile is addressing in this regard: “The Paris Climate Change Conference (COP 21) is set to take place in November. There we will make new commitments to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gases,” she said. She added: “The purity of our land and seas and the warmth and hard work of our people mean that our products are ever-more present in different markets, with new preparations and organic products.”