JAN. 22, 2016

Minister Muñoz Inaugurates Santiago a Mil’s Platea 16 and Highlights the Importance of Culture for International Relations

The event, which forms part of the last week of activities of the XXIII Santiago a Mil International Festival, was officially launched at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center (GAM).

Minister of Foreign Relations Heraldo Muñoz inaugurated Platea 16, a week-long annual event organized by Fundación Internacional Teatro a Mil (FITAM) which brings together influential professionals and leaders from the field of the performing arts from around the world.

During his remarks, Minister Muñoz noted that culture has an important space in foreign policy, as do areas such as economics, politics, and cooperation. He added that in view of this, the Ministry supports FITAM through its Cultural Affairs Division (DIRAC).

As an example of how Chilean artistic production crosses borders, he highlighted the Pritzker Prize for Architecture awarded to Chile’s Alejandro Aravena. “This is an important letter of introduction for Chilean foreign policy. I was just in Europe, and I would see Alejandro Aravena on the front pages of leading newspapers like The New York Times or Financial Times because of this Nobel Prize of architecture, as it has been called. He appears there as an expression of Chilean architecture, design, and creative work,” Muñoz noted.

The Minister also recognized Festival Santiago a Mil as a great opportunity to see the best theater, art, and music from throughout the region and other parts of the world.