MAY 10, 2024

Electric transport reduces noise pollution on La Alameda by 44%

This positive result was also repeated in the municipality of San Miguel. 

The implementation of electric vehicles in the capital’s public transport system has reduced environmental noise on La Alameda by 44%, according to records from the monitoring stations installed on Santiago’s main artery. 

Measurements carried out near the Universidad de Chile in August 2019 and August 2023 revealed that noise decreased on La Alameda by 44% during morning rush hour (8:00 to 9:00). During evening rush hour (19:00 to 20:00), acoustic energy dropped by 40%. 

Transport Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz, Environment Minister Maisa Rojas and Housing Minister Carlos Montes explained that, between 2019 and 2023, the significant drop in the number of decibels on the avenue was the result of the incorporation of electric buses in the RED public transport system. Between these dates, the number of electric buses increased from 12% to 36%. 

“As a government, we are concerned about people’s quality of life, which is why at the Environment Ministry we measure noise, an invisible pollutant that affects citizens. We have a noise monitoring network, made up of 20 stations throughout the country, which has recorded a decrease in noise on avenues with high public transport flow. It has fallen 44% on La Alameda during rush hour,” Maisa Rojas, Environment Minister. 

“There is no doubt that electric buses have provided a great contribution to reducing pollution and noise, which allows us to have a friendlier city with a higher quality of life. In this sense, women have been the main beneficiaries of this reduction in emissions, as they travel mostly on foot and by public transport. As a ministry, we are continuing to promote electromobility in Santiago and other regions. We have 40 buses operating in Antofagasta, and yesterday we unveiled the first 10 in Rancagua,” said Juan Carlos Muñoz, Transport and Telecommunications Minister. 

Reduction in noise pollution in San Miguel

The decrease in noise pollution has not only been seen in the municipality of Santiago, but also in San Miguel. 

A measurement was taken on the Santa Rosa – Mataveri intersection in September 2020, and again in the same month of 2023. In the morning rush hour, acoustic energy reduced by 45% and, in the evening, by 35%. 

Santiago currently has the largest electric fleet in the world, after Chinese cities. To date, nearly 2,500 electric buses circulate. Electromobility has also begun to reach regions throughout Chile. Antofagasta and Rancagua have incorporated buses with this technology, and there are projects in the works to bring these units to Coquimbo-La Serena, Copiapó, Valparaíso and Coyhaique.