FEB. 3, 2016

Be Careful at the Beach: Take Precautions if You See a Portuguese Man of War

Portuguese Men of War have been sighted in Chile between the Arica and Los Lagos (Ancud) Regions. These events could be related to wind direction and speed, the sea's surface temperature and other environmental factors that make their movements difficult to predict.

Effects on the Skin

When its tentacles come into contact with the skin, they can cause serious health problems, regardless of whether they are alive or dead.


The symptoms include intense pain (a burning sensation), respiratory­ problems and even cardiac arrest.

Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified it as a species dangerous to human health, and as a poisonous invertebrate in its Guidelines for Safe Recreational Water Environments.

Preventative Measures

The Ministry of Health and DIRECTEMAR (The Merchant Navy and Maritime Territory General Directorate) have prepared flyers, posters and other publicity materials, which have been distributed to all Regional Health Authorities in Chile for their local campaigns, if needed. Flags that indicate the presence of Portuguese Men of War at the beach will be distributed to Marine Authorities throughout Chile from the second week of January. These flags indicate that bathing and aquatic recreational activities are prohibited.

These measures will help alert the general population. However, this does not prevent people from staying on the sand, provided they wear protective clothing and footwear.

Also, the areas where waves are breaking should be avoided, as the remains of Portuguese Men of War tend to accumulate there.

If you see a Portuguese Man of War, follow these instructions:

  • Do not bathe or play in the water.
  • Never touch a Portuguese Man of War, whether at sea or on the beach, as they are venomous even when they are dead.
  • When walking on the sand, protect yourself using appropriate clothing and footwear.

Remember: The best form of prevention is to avoid any contact with a Portuguese Man of War

These are the beaches where Portuguese Men of War can currently be seen, but as these places may change, it is important to follow the recommendations whenever one is sighted.

If stung

  • It causes severe pain and redness, like a burn.
  • Immediately wash with sea water, and remove the remains of any tentacles, without directly touching them.
  • Do not apply vinegar or freshwater. Do not rub or scratch the skin with sand or towels.
  • Go to the nearest health center

If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact Salud Responde (the Health Advice line) on 600 360 7777