MAY 17, 2022

Government announces Plan Buen Vivir to move forward with the agenda to recognize and dialogue with indigenous peoples

The plan recognizes and takes responsibility for the centuries-old debt that exists between the Chilean State and the Mapuche people.

Interior and Public Security Minister Izkia Siches has announced Plan Buen Vivir (Good Living Plan) as a way to demonstrate the Government’s commitment to indigenous peoples. It also recognizes the centuries-old debt that exists between the Chilean State and the Mapuche people. 

The plan involves two major lines of action:

Recognition of indigenous peoples: 

Restoring lands: The budget for the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (CONADI) has been doubled in order to purchase land, and mechanisms have been improved to expedite land restitution, a fundamental demand of indigenous peoples. 

Indigenous Affairs Ministry: the bill to create the Indigenous Affairs Ministry will be reactivated in order to strengthen the institutional framework that deals with indigenous issues and promote the efficiency of the agencies involved in this area.

Territorial parliaments and the agenda for Buen Vivir 

Parliaments: As dialogue is an essential component of the agenda, territorial parliaments will be promoted to recognize indigenous authorities and territorial stakeholders, with the aim of generating agreements to respond to territorial, political and good living demands. For this reason, as a government, we are requesting the support of the United Nations system. The territorial parliaments will begin in July, 2022.

Investments for Buen Vivir: For 2022, approximately $400 billion Chilean pesos (approx. US$479 million) from public investments will be destined to improve the quality of life of the communities and inhabitants of La Araucanía Region, and the Arauco and Biobío provinces in the Biobío Region.  This effort covers public works initiatives in particular, such as rural drinking water and improved health capacities. 

Security for La Araucanía and Biobío

To confront the violent acts that have occurred in the Biobío and La Araucanía Regions, the Government has announced the following security measures:

  • A public prosecutor dedicated to the investigation of criminal organizations that threaten coexistence in the Biobío and La Araucanía Regions, through illicit activities such as drug trafficking and the stealing of timber. They will give assurances to all the parties involved that crimes will be prosecuted according to the law. 
  • In order to provide security to the people of Chile, a State of Emergency has been declared to protect the roads, allowing for free passage, and to implement policies to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of these areas.