OCT. 24, 2022

Do you want to learn about green hydrogen (H2V) and why it is important to Chile? We explain all about it below

On International Day Against Climate Change, we explain how green hydrogen is generated, why it is so important, and the global role that Chile plays in its production. 

When we talk about Green Hydrogen (H2V), the question that immediately comes to mind is: how does this fuel that is so talked about these days come about? And the question has a quick answer: from the hydrogen generated from renewable sources and energy. 

On International Day Against Climate Change, we answer all your doubts about the so-called fuel of the future. 

Why is hydrogen so important? 

Because it is the most abundant element in the universe. It has the advantage of being used as a fuel and, as we said before, of being obtained from renewable sources. Hydrogen is currently produced from natural gas, oil and coal, all of which generate CO2 emissions. It is therefore important for the environment that hydrogen is obtained from sustainable sources. 

How is hydrogen generated from renewable sources? 

Well, H2V comes about thanks to a process called electrolysis, which consists of using an electric current to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water. And if this electricity comes from renewable energy, it is called green hydrogen. 

What are its direct advantages? 

It is almost too obvious to say that this energy is key to achieving the decarbonization of the planet and complying with the commitments made in the fights against climate change. Its huge value in the fight against climate change lies in its ability to replace fossil fuels in sectors and uses that until now were more difficult to decarbonize, as well as its potential as an energy storage system. Just as important, it turns out that this fuel will allow us to have greater energy sovereignty and less dependence on imported and, of course, mega-polluting fossil fuels

What are the uses of H2V? 

Green hydrogen can be used as a sustainable fuel for different types of transport (cars, trucks, trains, ships and even planes), energy storage for the power grid, heating, steel production, and as a raw material to generate other compounds that are useful to different industries. 

Why do they say that Chile has global potential for H2V production? 

Simple. Chile has a comparative advantage for green hydrogen production, because it has a high potential for generating renewable energy, whether because of the sun in the north or the wind in the south. Our country also has people trained in similar productive activities, as well as a high internal demand for energy.